- Academy of Dallas Charter School
- Terri Doggett Home Page
Phone: 214.944-5544 ext. 2615
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Science Interdisciplinary Studies- UNT Associate in Special Education -DCCCD
Ms. Doggett
Hello and Welcome to 3rd-8th Grade Integrated Learning
For 3 years I have had the privilege of teaching at Academy of Dallas Charter School. I spent a total of 18 years in Special Education. Ten or more of those years were spent in designing IEP's to tailor student growth, as well as teaching students at all levels.
I earned my Bachelor in Interdisciplinary studies from UNT of Dallas. It goes without saying that education plays a major role in my life. Day by day is filled with compassion, enthusiasm, love and caring for students. This exceed far beyond my imagination.My main focus has always been helping students master basic and social skills. This may seem trivial to some, but is monumental to my students. Something as small as writing a sentence or signing their name can give them a head start as they prepare for adulthood. When I'm not teaching I'm involve with other organizations in the city that have similar focus on youth.
I work with the Garland NAACP Executive Committee, Greenville North District Youth Department,President of the Pentecost Church Youth Department and I serve as Sunday School Secretary, just to name a few. I really love what I do, and I wouldn't change what I do.
"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." Thomas A. Edison
Terri Doggett
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End of the six weeks is coming up on April 9, 2020
All assignments are due before April 8,2020
No school on Friday, April 10,2020